Chile History Timeline

Chronological events in the history of Chile. 14,000 BC – Nomadic tribes arrive from the north to the area that today comprises Chile. 8,000-1,000 – Tribes become semisedentary and the Chinchorro become the dominant civilization in the area. They experiment with seeds and plants and discover agriculture. Along the coast and rivers inhabitants learn to build tools to gather fish and seashells. 200 AD – Inhabitants become sedentary and the Mapuche emerge as a distinctive tribe. 1475 – The … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile History
Easter Island History

Easter Island was so named by Jacob Roggeveen, a Dutch explorer who on April 5, 1722, Easter Sunday, was the first European to visit the island. First Inhabitants Radio carbon studies estimate that the first inhabitants of settled between 700 CE and 1200 CE. There is much debate about the origin of the Rapa Nui. Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl suggested that Polynesia was settled by the Incas coming from South America, one of the reasons … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile History, Chile Travel and Places, Pacific Islands